Five Reasons Why You Need the TeamSnap Mobile App

If you aren’t a TeamSnap mobile app user, you’re missing out! 

The most organized teams have TeamSnap on the go. Coaches save time organizing, and players and parents are always in the loop with useful features like Messaging, Schedules, Calendar Syncing, Payments, and real-time game updates with TeamSnap Live. Check out these key features and tricks available exclusively through the app.

1. Communicate Quickly and Easily

A last-minute field change happens, and suddenly no one knows where to go, except you. You’re scrambling trying to locate that one group text that has everyone’s contact information in it, but not Sarah’s, because she’s out of town, and not Andrew’s, because he’s sick. And wait–isn’t the name of the field different in Google Maps than it is on Facebook? You also need to remind Tina to bring cupcakes. Where’s her number? Before you know it, you’re a rattled mess, desperately hunting down phone numbers and email addresses. There has to be an easier way!

Well, there is! With the TeamSnap mobile app, you can message individual players, parents and coaches, or create custom groups all within the app. Want to send a quick message to the team parents, but not the rest of the team? Easy! Planning the coach’s surprise party? Easy! Say goodbye to group texts and email chains. TeamSnap keeps all of your team’s communication in one place.

2. Always Know Where To Go

It’s time to upgrade from handwritten, printed and coffee-stained directions. With the TeamSnap mobile app, you instantly have directions to every game. Just tap the address in TeamSnap to open in Google Maps and get to the game.

3. Know When To Be There

When your eight year old’s schedule is busier than yours, you need a tool to keep your head on straight. Fortunately, you’ve got TeamSnap in your pocket. Integrate the nitty gritty details of game locations and arrival times from the web to your mobile device and access your calendar while on the go. Have kids on multiple teams? Sync all their team calendars in one place on your iCal, Google, Outlook, or desktop calendar.

4. Send and Receive Payments 



With Payments, coaches and managers can forget about hounding parents and players for dues, and parents no longer have to worry about carrying cash or checks to practices and games.

5. Experience The Action No Matter Where You Are



There’s nothing worse than having to miss a game due to work or illness. Thanks to TeamSnap Live!, you don’t have to miss out on the live game experience.

The TeamSnap mobile app is free! Get it today for iOS or Android.

Lisa Hope is a product marketing manager with TeamSnap and a marketing professor at the University of Florida.

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