How Billboards Changed My Life With Tim Rowe
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Evan Brandoff sits with Tim Rowe, the VP of RevOps at OneScreen.AI, a SaaS-enabled B2B marketplace provider for out-of-home (OOH) advertising. Time was once an avid online marketer who didn’t see the value in out of home. But as he joined the outdoor industry, he discovered the power that outdoor media unlocks for brands, and how today the channel can be optimized and measured. Listen to this episode to learn more.
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How Billboards Changed My Life With Tim Rowe
In this episode, we welcome Tim Rowe onto the show. Tim is the Chief Strategist and VP of RevOps at He’s also the host of the award-winning Out of Home Insider podcast. Let’s get into it.
Tim, AKA the Out of Home Insider, welcome to the show.
Thanks so much for having me. This is exciting.
Thank you so much for coming on. You were my key inspiration for starting our own show. I’m a little nervous having you on the show. You are a legend in my mind for a podcast in this space.
You gave me an opportunity to get the show going. You were on an early episode, and I look back fondly on those days. I’m so appreciative of you for giving me the shot to interview you. I’m excited to be on the other side. It’s easier to be on the other side, getting the questions asked than asking them. I’m not envious of you but looking forward to the conversation.
You won an award for the show, right?
Yes. It was super exciting. I never knew that there were awards for podcasts but Jeanne Hopkins is a great friend and mentor and CRO at OneScreen. She said, “Tim, we’ve got to start submitting the podcast for awards.” I was like, “There are awards for podcasts?” Sure enough, there are, and we won an award. There are a few more out there, so I’m hoping to bring some more hardware home.
Congratulations. You have built quite the following for your incredible podcasts but you don’t talk about yourself a lot on the show. I’m excited to help your fans learn a little bit more about Tim Rowe, the guy behind the show. First off, tell me about where you grow up.
I grew up in Northwest New Jersey. If you flip over the package of M&M’s, you will see a tab that says, “Hackettstown, New Jersey.” M&M’s are made in Hackettstown. It’s also where I’m from. It’s a little town about 20 miles from the Pennsylvania border. It’s rural. There are trees and mountains. It was a great place to grow up. I moved back here after I’ve got out of the Marine Corps in 2012, and this is home.
Did you go into the Marine Corps right after high school?
I didn’t. I kicked around for a few years. I went to county college. I was a parts delivery driver for a Ford dealership and didn’t know what I wanted to do with my life. I figured, “I want to get out of here. I want to go see the world. What better way to do that than with the Marine Corps?”
How long were you in the Marines for?
I was there for four years, from 2008 to 2012. This is crazy. I have been out of the Marine Corps for many years.
Thank you so much for your service.
Thanks for your support. It was a great time.
You’ve got back to Jersey in 2012 after four years in the Marines. What was next?
I didn’t know what was next. At the time, I was married. I had a new board on the way. I had four years in Marine Corps. I had a year and a half at county college. I’m like, “What can I do with that?” I went into logistics. I’ve got a job working for a Fortune 500 logistics company as a Warehouse Manager. I didn’t always want to be a Warehouse Manager, so I went back to school initially nights. That turned into a full-time course load. When you are married and have a newborn on the way, it’s hard to go to school full-time and make enough money to support your family.
I went back to a business that I knew from before my time in the Marine Corps, which was the car business. I went back to selling cars. I sold cars, went to school on my one day off during the week. I’ve got a degree in Finance that I had no business getting because Finance is not my forte. Marketing is my forte. I figured if I’ve got a degree in Finance, then I could go work on Wall Street and get a fancy car pretty quickly. That didn’t work out the way that I thought. Through a bit of meandering through the woods, I ended up finding a job on Craigslist, working for an ad agency. That’s how I’ve got into advertising.
You graduated from school with a Finance degree. Did you end up going to Wall Street? Did you work there at all?
For a short time, I worked for one of the best options traders in the world for a hedge fund consulting firm. I’ve got to go into the city of a bunch and meet all these big smart hedge fund guys. That was when I realized that sitting behind a computer crunching numbers is not going to be for T Rowe.
T Rowe went on Craigslist, found a job at an ad agency. What was that ad agency all about? What was the focus?
That’s a great transition. I went to Craigslist to find a job. I thought it was a scam initially. It was something about automotive marketing. I was like, “This has got to be a scam or maybe it’s like selling newspaper ads.” I didn’t even send my resume. I sent an email that was two paragraphs of, “Here’s why I’m hot, and you should hire me.” A few days later, I’ve got a call from the president of the company and he’s like, “Your resume sucks.” I was like, “Who is this?” It turned out to be legit. I went to work there for a few years and managed about a $7 million book of business, working exclusively with car dealerships, buying a lot of traditional media, TV, radio, doing a lot of direct mail, Pay-per-click, and Facebook. That was the Craigslist transition into marketing.
How does it work with car deals? Were you working directly with individual car dealerships or were you working with a tier two co-op?
I was working exclusively with the tier-three with the local franchise dealer.
Is that where you were exposed to out-of-home to billboards for the first time?
It is, and it wasn’t from the buy-side as the agency. It was a client of mine who got a job in North Carolina. I was getting real burnt out from the road. I was doing 35,000, 40,000 miles a year. Here’s the tie into LeagueSide. I missed one of my son’s T-ball games. I made a decision on that day that there was zero amount of money that was worth missing my kids’ stuff. A client of mine who was close by to where I live took a job in North Carolina. He said, “Do you want my job as Marketing Director for this dealer group?”
Problem solved. I went from missing T-ball games to coaching his T-ball team in less than six months, which was pretty amazing. It was at that dealership, that dealer group that I was first exposed to billboards because my first act of congress being the new Marketing Director was, “I need to see the entire ad statement. Who’s everybody that we are giving money to on a monthly basis?” I saw Adams Outdoor and thought, “What is this?” I went to Google and I said, “This is a billboard? Are we giving money to a billboard company? Get these guys in here. They are fired.”
The first thing I did was try to fire Adams. It was on that day that I learned outdoor companies have good contracts that aren’t cancelable. It was forced into working with Adams maybe a bit more than I thought I was going to have to. Along the way, I fell in love with it. I fell in love with the process. I had an incredible account executive. His name’s Peter Gaffer. He infused this enthusiasm about the medium.
I still couldn’t see it as a digital marketer. I still couldn’t see it in a way that was measurable to me but I was getting co-op from the manufacturer. They were picking up 50% of the bill. I was able to use it as a pretty creative medium because the outdoor company took a lot of time to educate me on how to do that. That was how I’ve got exposed to out-of-home.
At first, you wanted to fire Adams out-of-home because, in the beginning, you couldn’t see how billboards would be impactful to a car dealership?
Not at all. They came in talking about impressions and traffic counts. I said, “That’s all well and fine but I measure this in car deals. I measure this in how many brake lights go out across the end of the street right there with my name on the back of that car.” That’s how I measured performance. That’s how most dealers measure performance, $1 in, $3 out, how you perform in my overall bottom line.
Was there a specific point in time or campaign that changed your mind about billboards?
Yes. After trying to fire Adams, I ended up going to work for Adams about a year and a half later as the guy who was responsible for selling display ads and pre-roll to people who are already buying billboards. Adams was trying to expand the portfolio of the products that they sold and get into a little bit more of that digital online marketing.

Billboards: When you add outdoor to your mix, it unlocks synergies across everything else.
They brought me in to help sell that product, which, as you can imagine, is very easy. It’s very easy to sell targeted display ads to people who buy billboards because it’s a little billboard and way more expensive but folks love it. They loved the combination of the billboards with the display ads. We were doing some interesting things in very light measurement, anecdotal, and directional stuff.
It was a campaign for a nonprofit called Allentown Rescue Mission. They are about two blocks from the county prison in Allentown, Pennsylvania. It is a faith-based organization that helps homeless men get back on their feet. I went in there, had a great meeting with them with the Account Executive, Andrew Histand, who’s still at Adams. He’s a world-class account executive.
I had a great conversation with Allentown Rescue Mission. This was the summer of 2019. I started the pod in 2019 October. They wanted to do some digital billboards, strong, creative, powerful images of these men who have clearly gone through a lot in their lives, powerful logo, picture of the gentlemen who had graduated from the program. That was it. They did this across a network of digital billboards.
I asked for Google Analytics access because a member of their board had a little digital agency in town. They had set up their Google Analytics. It was all buttoned up and looking pretty. Two weeks into the campaign, I logged on one day and said, “Let’s see if there’s anything in here.” It was straight up to the right. Organic traffic was up. Direct traffic was up. It was not up like a little bit, up big, 10%, 20%, 30%. Conversions were up 90%. Average website donations went up 39%. All of these things and I was like, “Holy smokes. This is crazy. They must be doing other things, too.”
At no point had it occurred to me that this was happening in isolation. The only thing different was the billboard. I immediately called the marketing director and she confirmed. She said, “No, the only thing that we are doing are the billboards. This is our slow season.” I said, “If this is your slow season, in the last two weeks since the billboards have been up, here’s this and this.” That was it. The hook was set. I said, “There’s got to be more stories like this.” I started asking more clients for Google Analytics access. I was finding stories consistently.
I asked my counterpart, Ali Ruppe, who’s at OneScreen now. She’s leading up our client growth team and doing an amazing job. I said, “Ali, who’s got the podcast on this? This stuff’s crazy. This is insane.” As a digital marketer, you shouldn’t be able to change one thing in your marketing mix and increase conversions by 94%. That doesn’t make sense. That’s unfathomable. Ali said, “There is not a podcast.” Coming full circle, that’s how the hook was set. That’s how it turned into starting the pod.
I’m excited to get into the pod. It’s amazing what you have built. I want to dig into this realization a little bit further. At this point, was out-of-home the only new thing or marketing they were doing?
Both. It was the only new thing. They had done out-of-home before they had done outdoor before. It was new creative that they had never run before. They hadn’t been up in the market for a while long enough. Anything they were doing previously with the creative change, they were not doing outdoor actively. This was the only thing that they were doing at the time. It was pretty incredible.
What do you think is the right way to compliment out-of-home with display ads, with digital ads? Is out-of-home strong in isolation? Will it make your digital advertising more effective by investing in billboards as well?
Consistently seeing that the 1 plus 1 equals 3, it’s unlocking synergies across paid search, paid social, email, SMS. I’m seeing this in advertisers on Google Analytics. It’s great when you can show the story back to them from their own data. Consistently seeing it when you add outdoor and add out-of-home to your mix, it unlocks synergies across everything else. Think about a billboard, what’s the behavior if I see the billboard? I’m going to probably look it up on my phone. I’m going to google it.
Now I’m driving the search for specific keywords, branded keywords. My quality scores are improving. My cost per click is going down. All of these things are happening because of the investment amount of homes. It can work in isolation by itself as an effective tactic. If you have a full marketing funnel that’s already in play, adding out-of-home can unlock synergies across the entire mix.
Through your research, is there any data to suggest what percentage of your media marketing mix should be spent on out-of-home?
It’s something that should be open for a healthy debate. We are doing some, first of its academic research at OneScreen with Northeastern University’s Data Science Team to help determine some of that. We’ve got some exciting stuff that’s about to get published in the first half of 2022. In terms of the right percentage, the question to frame it through is, “What’s the value of putting new users on your site and how good is your online retargeting game?” It’s hard to build a brand, to build top of the funnel using only digital online tactics.
If you could more efficiently, effectively build brand drive top of the funnel using offline because the targeting is as good, if not, arguably better than the internet, CPMs are the same or less than. The measurement is at least close enough that we can say, “I can see some of the impact coming from out-of-home.”
If those factors are all to be true, how much of an investment can you make putting new users on your site so that you can use the middle of the funnel, bottom-funnel tactics that are already working on converting them? Use offline to build a brand, drive the top of the funnel, and use your existing marketing mix to convert those folks. It’s a great way to get people on the website, and they will brand.
On top of all of that, if that’s not enough, it should be validation. This stat is a little bit outdated but some of the biggest spenders in out-of-home are Google, Facebook, and Apple. These are companies that know the performance of digital campaigns. They are the companies that we are advertising through digital. The fact that they are investing so much in out-of-home is validation that the experts, the people that know all, understand how important out-of-home is in the media marketing mix.
Use offline to build a brand, drive the top of the funnel, and use your existing marketing mix to convert those folks.
They are arbitraging it. They are taking the offline attention, turning it into users on their platform, and selling an ad product to advertisers who want to reach those people. You can do what Amazon, Google, and Facebook are doing by including out-of-home in your mix. They are selling offline attention back to you. When folks are like, “I only do Google or Facebook ads.” I appreciate you saying that because that sometimes folks don’t quite close the loop on how ironic that is.
I don’t even know if Facebook does Facebook Ads.
They do on TV. I have seen them on TV before. They do a lot out-of-home because they know it’s a new reach. I have run into this, too. I stopped using YouTube because it became an echo chamber. I wasn’t discovering new content. It was serving me more of the stuff I had already consumed a lot of. As a user, I was like, “I want to find new stuff like the stuff I like, not only more stuff of the stuff I like.”
Thinking about that and the modern user experience, how fractured so much of our consumption is of media, of entertainment, there are many apps, streaming platforms, what’s the one thing that we all experience? It’s out-of-home. It’s the only thing that we all experience. We watch different TV stations, different shows, different platforms.
We listen to a different radio. I listen to the radio. You listen to iTunes. It’s so fractured but what’s the one common point? We all leave our homes eventually to go to the grocery store, to drop the kids off at school, to go to the gym, to do all those things. Out-of-home is moving into the driver’s seat of the next twenty years of marketing.
What year did you start the Out of Home Insider podcast?
I started in 2019 October.
What was the initial goal when starting the podcast?
The initial goal was I thought my audience was twelve. I thought it was the other sales reps at Adams Outdoor in Eastern Pennsylvania. I figured I will record these interviews. I will share them internally. Some other sales reps might listen to this. Maybe 2 or 3 of them will and 1 or 2 of them will get a nugget out of it that helps them close the deal. That was it. That was the entire goal of the podcast. It was to create an internal learning resource for the team at Adams. I had no idea that it could evolve into so much more.
What has it evolved into?
It’s a whole another animal unto itself. It has changed my life. It’s how I met the CoFounders of OneScreen, Greg and Sam, through the podcast. That turned into the opportunity to join the team. That’s a rocket ship, and we are growing fast. It’s changed the total trajectory of my life career path. I was only a guy selling billboards. I found my job in marketing on Craigslist. It’s not like I went to some top ten Ivy League schools and came up through the startup ranks. I have worked at all these companies and had successful exits and done all these things that you might expect on paper.
I was a Marine that sold cars and worked for a hedge fund guy and did all these things. The podcast has changed my life in that way. I’m able to help shape a company that’s shaping an industry. The pod has become so much more. The reach is international. I get DMs all the time from people all around the world that are as passionate about the things that we are passionate about. It’s awesome. It’s cool to start to create the connective tissue of an international community that’s excited about the thing they do.
What do you think is the biggest factor in building a successful podcast?
Ignore everybody who you think you should care about their opinion. There are so many people with an opinion. It’s hard. It’s easier said than done. It’s scary. You have crossed the chasm. You have started your own pod. It’s that getting started. At first, you think that there’s going to be all these people listening and casting judgment. No one is going to pay attention. That’s out of the box. I didn’t know how to check the analytics on YouTube or the podcast thing for months. Thank God I didn’t because no one listened. People then start to listen, and you start to hear chirping.
I’m still the new guy. I’m still new to out-of-home. Unfortunately, there are some folks sometimes who are not going to think that you deserve to be here. “Who are you to get to speak on some of those things?” That’s the getting started part. It’s the hardest but that’s what it taught me. When you are starting out, there won’t be anybody paying attention. When people start to pay attention, don’t pay attention to the people that are trying to rain on your parade. Don’t try to make them happy. Don’t worry too much about appeasing them. Find the people that are excited about the thing you are doing and go hang out with them instead. It can be so hard.
What’s interesting about podcasts is there are so many now. Something like 99% don’t make it past one year. To have a top 25% podcast, you only need 50 to 100 streams per week. It gives you a sense of how many unlistened to podcasts there are out there.

Billboards: We need to take a step back and build basic infrastructure for the industry.
When you start to get traction, understanding how to quantify your audience is important. Folks ask me all the time, “How many downloads do you have? How many subscribers do you have?” I’m like, “That’s not how I quantify the value of the audience.” I’m able to see some different stuff from LinkedIn. LinkedIn has some great analytics, so you can see the types of job roles that people are in that are engaging with the content, who follow the show.
YouTube will give you some different stuff. Some of the podcast platforms will give you some different insight. Ultimately, what it distills down to is the average listener is going to hang out for 12 to 15 minutes of any given episode. Depending on the platform, there could be between 100 and 200 unique viewers or listeners to that piece of content. All of the episodes are chopped up into little bite sizable content that’s distributed across all the platforms.
What it comes down to is, I say, “Think about it this way. If you had a room of 100 of the perfect people and they would listen to you talk for 12 to 15 minutes, how much would it be worth to you?” If you could keynote at the next conference and it had 100 of your perfect audience sitting there, that could cost you $50 to $100. That’s how I start to quantify the value of the audience.
That is something you are good at. The first step is determining who those people are that are your dream 100. That’s arguably the hardest and most important part. You have built something that is niche but not that niche. There’s a large audience that’s interested in out-of-home, and you focus on that audience specifically, which has been great.
It has been a lot of fun.
Let’s transition to OneScreen. Tell us about OneScreen.
It’s 2022. Summer of 2020, I’ve got a LinkedIn message from this guy named Greg Wise. He says, “We would like to get your feedback on this thing we are building.” I was like, “Who is this guy? He’s not from out-of-home. He’s got this real estate background. He worked at HubSpot. What is he talking about?” I was very confused. I’ve got on a call with him and Sam in the summer of 2020.
They pitched this idea of, “We’ve got this hardware device that plugs into the back of TV screens, and we are setting up these networks. What if as a marketer, you could say, ‘I want to run an ad and network of bars in Boston and generate phone calls to my business for $50 per phone call?’” They were talking about creating a Facebook audience network for the real world where you could deterministically and predictably say, “I want to generate phone calls as my objective and therefore, serve my ads to this audience at this time at this CPM to generate a phone call.”
As a Performance Marketer, I thought, “You are going to break the world. That’s incredible. If you could do that, every Digital Marketer would do this.” I asked Sam to mentor me, and he did. A few weeks later, he asked me to come aboard. We continued building that piece of the hardware business, the screen network. Until about February of 2021, when we started to realize we were building rocket ships for an industry that doesn’t yet have roads and basic infrastructure. We could do that. It would be very noble and cool. People would love it but maybe we need to take a step back and build some basic infrastructure for the industry like a free public access directory for all the things that you can do in out-of-home.
There’s no one central repository for everything, whether you are a media owner and you need to find new lights for a billboard structure or you are an advertiser that wants to sponsor a little league team, there’s not a central hub where all of these things exist. We pivoted out of the hardware. We started building out the directory. That’s about ready to come online. The way that we support that directory and create functionality and value for everybody involved is on the media owner side. We give media owners a suite of free back-office tools that help them streamline their business.
The exciting thing about that is we think of it more like a revenue acceleration platform. It’s full of sales enablement tools that make selling easier. What we heard from media owners was some of the frustrations with maybe some of the programmatic options and this idea of like, “If I plug into these things, I’m all of a sudden, going to have a Brinks’ truck showing up at my house every 30 days.” We are not quite there yet. We think we should equip media owners with some basic tools that help empower their sales team to go have data audience-led conversations about why people should be buying their inventory.
We think that those are good things, the back-office tools folks are enjoying. They are oftentimes a pretty significant upgrade to a Google sheet or some Post-it notes and email. That’s what we are up to. It’s building all of that out and also working with cool brands on the demand side of the business who want to do out-of-home, and they are trying out-of-home for the first time. It’s a win-win. It’s positive-sum for everyone. Everybody goes home a winner.
Out-of-home is moving into the driver’s seat of the next twenty years of marketing.
There are platforms like Vistar and a couple of others that do have a lot of the out-of-home inventory on their platform. How is OneScreen differentiating itself from those platforms?
Think of us as the platform for the platforms. We are the digital yellow pages for all things out-of-home. If you wanted to find programmatic DSPs, SSPs, you could come to the directory and type those things in and find them or products and services that you need as a media owner, printing services. It’s the same as any other directory. We are not shutting anybody out. If you’ve got a business and out-of-home, we want to list you on there. The key difference is that Vistar focused on digital inventory, making it available programmatically to buyers. We are focused on building a directory for all things out-of-home.
Will brands be able to buy through OneScreen or, like Yellow Pages, you are giving them information to get in touch with the appropriate vendor channel?
No. We will come in stages initially. It’s the, “Here’s how to get in touch with the people that you might want to buy stuff from.” Building on top of that, the forward-thinking media owners that we are working with see the value in listing their inventory with live pricing and availability. If you are the first one to list with live pricing availability, you set the market.
Anyone that comes behind you is going to have to price in line with what you have already published. It’s very similar to automotive several years ago. There was no auto trader. There were no cars set. You didn’t know what the car costs. None of that existed. You had to go to seven dealerships and negotiate until you felt like you’d got the best deal.
Now, every dealer in the country has to put the price online. Those first few dealers who were putting the price online want a lot of business early on. They captured a lot of market share early on. We think that the same is going to be true for media owners. Making pricing and availability, you set the market. What makes our platform so special is we are not taking your rate and marking it up. Your rate is your rate. List it at rate card. Our business model is built on a free cashflow per share. The whole health of our business is built off of the float. It’s the speed, volume, and velocity of deal flow.
Do you remember the movie Office Space? What if we took a few pennies off of every few million dollars? That’s all we are doing. We are taking pennies. We’ve got a whole lot of money sitting in between all that. That’s good for the media owner. They have rate integrity. It was the same price. They are going to be able to list it for the same price as the rep is walking and offering that.
How have you been able to leverage the out-of-home insider podcast for the benefit of OneScreen?
In 2021, we went back and did the math. In some way, the podcast was in like the $0.65 to $0.75 that came through OneScreen, whether that was through a partner that we had met through the podcast or a great story crossed the billboard behind me. Chris made their CML. He was on the podcast. A few months later, we’ve got to help them with their first billboard campaign, which was successful.
That turned into a referral to another brand called Posh Peanut, born online, D2C, getting into retail, great children’s clothing brand. That’s one example of guests of the podcast, became an advertiser, turned into a referral. We’ve got 2 great case studies and 2 great relationships that we continue to foster and invest in. The podcast has been a business development beast.
The team that you are building at OneScreen has grown a lot.
We were a team of eight in 2021. We are a team of 40 now. We are going to pass that 40 mark probably soon. We are set to end the year close to 80 headcount, which has been incredible.
When I came on your show, I could be misremembering but the show was your only focus at that point. You were trying to figure out what else you wanted to do next.
I was unemployed, looking for a job at that point.

Billboards: Our business model is built on a free cash flow per share. The whole health of our business is built off of the float. It’s the speed, volume, and velocity of deal flow.
Fast forward, you are on the executive team. You raised a bunch of capital. It’s the early stages of a rocket ship. I couldn’t be happier for you. I’m so excited for what you all are building. Tim, the last part of the interview is the lightning round. It’s four questions. You’ve got about 2 minutes to answer all 4, so the first thing that comes to mind. First question, what is your favorite youth sports memory?
My favorite youth sports memory is probably coaching with my son. We are playing a team, and my son wants to be the catcher. It was a tie game. This kid took off. A ball went past him. The ball went to the backstop. He jumps up. It was his first year playing catcher, found the ball, guns it down to the third base, caught the kids stealing, held the tie, drove extra innings. It was incredible as a parent, as a coach. That’s probably my favorite youth sports memory. Brought them out of third.
When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
I wanted to be an astronaut. My birthday is January 28th. It’s a bit of a tragedy in NASA history. It was the day that the Challenger Space Shuttle exploded. That’s the day I was born. I always felt drawn to that. Maybe it was because that was always associated with my birthday but I always thought it would be cool to be an astronaut.
What is a brand who’s marketing you admire most?
It’s probably a bit of a cop-out but it’s for a slightly different reason. It’s Apple. That seems easy. Apple does such a good job of making things simple. Simple is hard. I love everything that Apple does. I’m a light user. I’ve got a PC. I do have an iPhone. I’m not like an Apple junkie but they do a remarkable job of making things simple.
Finally, what is a go-to cause that you like to support?
A got-to I like to support is anything animal-related. I’m a big softie. We are a big animal household here. St. Hubert’s, specifically here in my area as an organization that I have volunteered for over the years. It’s hardly volunteering to get to go, hang out, and pet dogs for an hour. They do amazing work.
Tim, thank you so much for coming to the show.
Thank you. This has been a lot of fun. I wish you much success. It’s awesome to see more content, more shows coming out. You are doing an amazing job. You have had an incredible lineup. I’m honored to be counted amongst them now.
You are my inspiration. Thank you. Let’s have you on again, hopefully sometime soon.
Let’s do it. I’m down.
Thanks, Tim.
Thank you for reading the show with Tim Rowe. As a recap, we discussed Tim’s incredible journey from the Marines to out-of-home expert, the importance of out-of-home and a media marketing mix, and how is evolving the out-of-home game. Thank you for tuning in.
Important links
- Out of Home Insider
- Craigslist
- Adams Outdoor
- Allentown Rescue Mission
- Greg Wise — LinkedIn
- Sam Mallikarjunan — LinkedIn
- Vistar
- Posh Peanut
- Google Analytics
- Northeastern University’s Data Science Team
- HubSpot
- Brinks
- St. Hubert’s
- Ali Ruppe — LinkedIn
About Tim Rowe
Tim Rowe is VP of RevOps at, a SaaS-enabled B2B marketplace provider for out-of-home (OOH) advertising. He has hosted the OOH Insider Show, the fastest-growing podcast in the OOH advertising industry, since 2019. Having spent time on both the buy and sell sides of media, Tim understands the demands of brands and advertisers and what each needs to succeed. After beginning his career in the United States Marine Corps, Tim has held various sales and marketing roles in the media and ad industry.
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