Get Organized For The New Year: Sync Your TeamSnap Schedule With Your Personal Calendar

Is one of your New Year’s resolutions to be more organized? Hopefully, we are already helping you in that department. But you may not be aware that TeamSnap offers several ways for you to export your schedule data and sync it with your personal calendar. If you use Apple iCal, Google Calendar, Microsoft Outlook 2007 or any iCal-compatible calendar, you can “subscribe” to your TeamSnap Schedule and have your full schedule of games and events show up automatically in your personal calendar.

It’s very easy to get ‘N Sync and say Bye, Bye, Bye to manually updating your calendar. Just head to the “Schedule” tab and select the “Subscribe / Export” button. Click on the “Subscribe to this calendar” button or we also provide a unique URL which you can copy and paste directly into your calendar program. And don’t worry, if there are any changes or updates to the schedule, these will be reflected automatically. If you have any questions, you can take a look at our help articles on schedules or just shoot us an email at: [email protected]

Justin Timberlake gave the feature a try. His reaction?

“TeamSnap is bringing sexy back into calendar exporting. And it was so easy!” – JTim

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