How Coaches Can Stay Organized During the Offseason
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Ah, the offseason. The perfect time for some much needed rest and relaxation from your busy coaching schedule. Time to kick back, relax and binge watch your favorite TV shows.
But the offseason isn’t just for chilling out. Why not spend some of your free time preparing for next season? Here are a few ideas to get you started.
Share Offseason Team Workouts
Want your players to stay fresh during the offseason? Send them drills to work on! It doesn’t need to be an American Ninja Warrior workout; just send them enough to keep them in shape and off the couch.
The easiest way to share drills is through TeamSnap. Send links for skills and drills videos using the Messages tab, or post custom workout plans in the Media tab. This way, your team won’t be huffing and puffing at your first practice.
Update Contact Info
Picture this: You need to make a simple call to a player’s mom or dad. Yet when you dial the number listed, no one picks up. Turns out that player’s parents have a new phone number and they never bothered to let you know!
To avoid this scenario, have team parents log into TeamSnap during the offseason and update their contact info on the Roster tab. This way, you can knock out problems before they ever happen. Future you will thank current you later.
Schedule Offseason Events
Whether you want to welcome new players or help reunite old teammates, the offseason is the perfect time to do it. Might we suggest a barbecue, pizza party or LARP adventure?
Whatever you choose, schedule your new event in the Schedule tab. It’s the perfect way to get an accurate headcount, just like you would for your season’s games. If you want attendees to bring specific food items, the Assignments tab is the right tool for the job.
To enact these tips, log into your TeamSnap account today! Or, if you’re new to TeamSnap, get started with our free 21-day trial!
Kyle Massa is the content manager at TeamSnap. Outside of work, you can find him writing, reading and playing guitar for his cats.
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