Let’s Hear It For Dad

In honor of Father’s Day, we decided to republish a post celebrating dads and their dedication to kids and sports. What did you do to celebrate Father’s Day? Enjoy the video!

Today we would like to honor all of the dads who coach, organize, and spectate hours of practice and competition in support of their children. Although we don’t always react well to your “pearls of athletic wisdom,” deep down we are listening and learning. We know that back in your day the pads weighed 100 pounds, baseball bats were made from junkyard scrap metal, and there was no such thing as Under Armour so you were forced to wrap yourself in rawhides. But we digress…

In all seriousness, the hours that dads dedicate to their children’s athletics cannot be measured in goals scored or games won.  Youth sports are a great way to introduce and foster character development, competitive spirit, goal setting and determination for children. It is also a fun and easy way for dads to connect to their sons and daughters with a shared interest in sports.

In honor of fathers everywhere, who selflessly dedicate time and devotion to their children’s athletic endeavors, we would like to share this video from eBaum’s World entitled, “Dad Life.” Here’s to you Dad!

National data actively tracking the safe return of youth sports activities

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