Every Sport’s Guide To Making An Impact This Holiday Season
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The holiday season is a great opportunity to give back. Sports organizations of all sizes can re-visit core values of community by thinking of creative ways to make an impact over the holidays. While every team and every sport has a bit of a different landscape, here are some ways to give back if you’re a part of any of these sports teams or leagues.
How Your Soccer Team Can Make An Impact This Holiday Season
One way your soccer team can give back over the holidays is to collect cleats that your players have either outgrew or didn’t fit quite right. Soccer is a sport reliant on soccer cleats, but for some families affording cleats is a battle. With your team collect cleats for a cause! Designate a parent manager or volunteer to hold a drive and have every family drop off a pair of cleats or other pieces of soccer equipment.
How Your Basketball Team Can Make An Impact This Holiday Season
Most of us have seen how the National Basketball Association (NBA) balls out over the holidays. While the NBA teams have a lot more to give, that doesn’t mean that we can’t draw inspiration from some of their community initiatives and philanthropy. This holiday season, take a field trip with your basketball team to a local senior citizen center or children’s hospital. Visit, bring whatever you can give, and spend time in a place with people who probably wish they were out at the court with you! The Celtics are known for visiting the Boston Children’s Hospital around the holidays and bringing the kids gifts, but also just spending quality time! Use that as inspiration!
How Your Football Team Can Make An Impact This Holiday Season
Football teams often run on the larger side. To get to games, there’s usually a big bus! This holiday season think about organizing a bus trip to a local shelter. Football players need to eat to fuel up and play their best, so why not serve a meal as a team to a shelter. Fill the bus up with delicious food, either made or catered by a local place and serve the food to a shelter. The act of giving and sharing a meal with new people is a great way to get out of the comfort zone of football and give back this holiday season.
How Your Hockey Team Can Make An Impact This Holiday Season
Hockey teams often play at indoor rinks. They aren’t usually running around fields or courts, but their home is secluded to a rink. This holiday season, consider organizing a clean-up with your hockey team in an area away from the rink. Head to a local park or a different public area. Hockey players are used to using their hands, and this activity is not only a way to work together as a team, but put their hands to good use in the community.
How Your Baseball Team Can Make An Impact This Holiday Season
Step up to bat this holiday season and consider hosting a charity baseball game that raises money for a local non-profit or organization that hits close to home. This baseball game will allow for the players to feel what it’s like to play for something bigger – other people and a cause!
How Your Softball Team Can Make An Impact This Holiday Season
Consider something similar with your softball team! If the baseball and softball teams are organizing events simultaneously that raise money for either the same or different causes, that’ll really show the community how your sports organization is stepping up! Just like the baseball team, the softball team will feel how much of an impact they are making when their purpose isn’t to win, but to host an event that raises money for other organizations in need.
How Your Lacrosse Team Can Make An Impact This Holiday Season
Lacrosse requires quite a bit of equipment to operate. This holiday season, consider hosting a drive or donating equipment to another organization in need. Chances are many players on the team have outgrew a helmet or padding or are upgrading what kind of stick they are using. Another idea is to host an event that helps people string their lacrosse sticks. Stringing a lacrosse stick is a special skill that many lacrosse players learn over their career. Help some local organizations get their sticks ready to play!
How Your Volleyball Team Can Make An Impact This Holiday Season
Nothing like a good old bake sale to feed peoples stomaches and leave a community smiling! This holiday season think about organizing a bake sale that coincides with a volleyball match. Encourage every member of the team to make something sweet and think of an organization to donate the money to! This will be a nice event that brings the community together to watch some volleyball all while enjoying something sweet.
For more ideas to give back this holiday season, check out how you can get involved with TeamSnap Impact! Be on the look out for TeamSnap happenings all holiday season long.
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