6 Tips For Youth Athletes Training During The Holiday Season
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The holiday season is quickly approaching! This time of year can bring about lots of holiday spirit, but also some pressure to keep up with regular training regimens, especially as an athlete. Have no fear, TeamSnap has some tips to help youth athletes everywhere manage and keep up with training even during the crazy holiday months. Consider these 6 tips to help maintain some sense of routine and continue developing as a young athlete even during all of the festivities.
Tip #1: Plan Ahead
For some families, the holidays can mean traveling. Do your best to plan ahead of time and write out when you are traveling. This will help you figure out when you may be able to hit the soccer field vs when you will likely be in transit! If you are traveling, don’t worry about it! This may just mean you have to plan a little bit more to figure out when you can workout. You don’t to miss out on memories, so just try and plan around family gatherings and travel days. A little planning ahead of time can go a long way!
Tip #2: Write Out Your Goals
Just like you would write out your goals during the regular season, use this holiday break to re-visit some of your training goals. This is a great reminder to turn to when you are feeling a little out of routine. Writing goals can also be a family activity! Turn to one another for inspiration and maybe make a goal like getting out for a family walk in the morning during the holidays or going for a Thanksgiving turkey trot!
Tip #3: Be Flexible
Even though the fall season was structures; meaning practices on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, doesn’t mean the holiday season needs to be the same way. And typically, it’s very different. Understand that this time off from usual practices and games will be a bit of a shock, but you will be OK. Over the holidays, do your best to be flexible with your training and commitments. Anything you can squeeze in is better than nothing!
Tip #4: Use This Time To Refresh
For many youth athletes, in-season can be incredibly draining. One way to make the most out of your holiday season training is to take a much needed break. For most athletes, a couple days rest can go a long way and will certainly not set you back. Re-focus your energy on recovery and prepare yourself to bounce back stronger than before!
Tip #5: Train With Family And Friends
The holidays are unlike the rest of the year because it typically means extended time and gatherings with family and friends. It’s as if the regular week nights of practices and scarfing down a late dinner are on hold and everyone is a bit more relaxed. Take advantage of this time and find ways to train with your loved ones. This doesn’t have to mean anything crazy, but suggest a football toss, a morning stroll, or something that gets the body moving with people you love.
Tip #6: Be Kind To Yourself
Having grace with yourself over the holidays is key. There can be added pressure to keep up with training on your own, avoid the over indulgent sweets on display most nights, but remember this is all temporary. Don’t let the feeling of guilt in any way shape your experience over the holidays. However you were training before the holiday break you can re-start in no time. Remember that the foundation has been set and whenever you return to the normal way of practicing you will be just fine!
The holiday season can be a stressful time… but it also gives us a chance to reconnect with friends and family at holiday parties, enjoy our favorite comfort foods and reflect the the highs and lows of the previous year. Don’t forget that it’s also an opportunity to give back to our local communities and bond with our teams.
Check out these ideas for how you can make a difference with your holiday shopping and spend quality time with loved ones.
National data actively tracking the safe return of youth sports activities
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