All Aboard! TeamSnap Helps Sailors Communicate Out of the Water
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A sailor knows never to be caught between the devil and the deep blue sea. Team communication is crucial to knowing where other boats are, the direction the wind blows, and dark clouds on the horizon. But while communication on board is crucial, communicating with your crew on land sails behind in a close second.
The New Trier Sailing Team is a competitive sailing team hosted by the Chicago Yacht Club for students of New Trier High School. The team competes against other high school teams throughout the Midwest and nationally.
While looking for a way to manage the team’s busy schedule and streamline communication, New Trier Sailing chose TeamSnap. The team uses TeamSnap for “everything and anything,” says senior captain Nathan Whisner. Sailor favorites are messaging, sharing photos, scheduling practices and regattas, and planning social events.
“TeamSnap is simply the best source for team organization!” says Nathan.
Because of the collaborative aspects of team racing, communication and teamwork is essential both in and out of the water, which makes TeamSnap the perfect resource for New Trier Sailing.
“Constant communication among teammates is very important,” says senior captain Izzy Cox. “TeamSnap makes it easy. Sailors and parents can post photos and videos from a regatta, and it’s easy for the team to message each other whenever we need to.”
Midwest weather can turn quickly, and sometimes practices and regattas must be cancelled or postponed. Team administrator Kristen Whisner loves the simplicity of scheduling and messaging, especially when an urgent change occurs.
“TeamSnap makes our lives easier by keeping all information in one place. It’s easy to modify when changes in the schedule (or weather) occur,” says Kristen. “It’s wonderful for sending out spur-of-the-moment messages when the weather changes (which it can do very quickly on Lake Michigan).”
Do you need help communicating with your team or group? Log in or sign up to create a team for any sport or activity now!
Lisa Hope is a product marketing manager with TeamSnap and a marketing professor at the University of Florida.
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