Happy National Puppy Day from TeamSnap!

Finally, the most important day of the year is here! That’s right, March 23 is National Puppy Day, a day to celebrate those slobbery, four-legged friends who warm our hearts and steal our hamburgers.

At TeamSnap, about 75 percent of employees work remotely, from their homes, RVs, coffee shops, coworking spaces or anywhere they choose. That means everyday is Bring Your Dog to Work Day. If that sounds good to you, we’re hiring.

Here’s a round up of our favorite coworkers:

This is Amber Webb's (developer) Major, a maskless German Shepherd whose favorite food is Blue Bell homemade vanilla ice cream.

This is Amber Webb’s (developer) Major, a maskless German Shepherd whose favorite food is Blue Bell homemade vanilla ice cream.

These are Alex Pearsall's (engineer) Tasha and Rory, two sidecar-ridin’, mountain bike-shreddin', hockey puck-chasing mutts living the dream in Missoula, MT, shown here sharing a camelback spigot on a hike.

These are Alex Pearsall’s (engineer) Tasha and Rory, two sidecar-ridin’, mountain bike-shreddin’, hockey puck-chasing mutts living the dream in Missoula, MT, shown here sharing a camelback spigot on a hike.

This is Ginger Hartman's (support rep) Mango the Schnauzer relaxing by the fire (he never moves) in Van, BC!

This is Ginger Hartman’s (support rep) Mango the Schnauzer relaxing by the fire (he never moves) in Van, BC!

Beth Hazen's (account manager) fur babies, Bogey and Lola. Bogey used to rule the house ... until "she" came. They truly are the best of friends though.

Beth Hazen’s (account manager) fur babies, Bogey and Lola. Bogey used to rule the house … until “she” came. They truly are the best of friends though.

Here's Nick Kirchhof's (lead gen rep) dog Colter as a puppy!

Here’s Nick Kirchhof’s (lead gen rep) dog Colter as a puppy!

This is Tucker, Debbie Deshotel's (customer support) Boston Terrier. Lover of tennis balls, popsicles, strawberries and long car rides!

This is Tucker, Debbie Deshotel’s (customer support) Boston Terrier. Lover of tennis balls, popsicles, strawberries and long car rides!

Akshay Anikhindi's (customer support) corgi, Ender!

Akshay Anikhindi’s (customer support) corgi, Ender!

Daisy, a rescue from a shelter in Augusta, Maine, enjoys chasing tennis balls, eating and napping by the fire. She's best friend to Whitney Althouse (design project manager).

Daisy, a rescue from a shelter in Augusta, Maine, enjoys chasing tennis balls, eating and napping by the fire. She’s best friend to Whitney Althouse (design project manager).

Geoff Brodniak's (engineer) Skylar, who is always waiting for her parents to turn their backs so she can help herself to whatever human food is on the table.

Geoff Brodniak’s (engineer) Skylar, who is always waiting for her parents to turn their backs so she can help herself to whatever human food is on the table.

Ashley Cayla's (customer support) Louie, an English Setter, is clearly amazing with kids (and is pretty much the third kid).

Ashley Cayla’s (customer support) Louie, an English Setter, is clearly amazing with kids (and is pretty much the third kid).

When not chewing on one of the many bones in her extensive collection, Annmarie Ziegler's (developer) Phoebe is at her side silently willing her to hand over a treat. Phoebe loves to nap and snuggle under Annmarie's desk, but she's also quick to let her know when it’s time for a “play” break.

When not chewing on one of the many bones in her extensive collection, Annmarie Ziegler’s (developer) Phoebe is at her side silently willing her to hand over a treat. Phoebe loves to nap and snuggle under Annmarie’s desk, but she’s also quick to let her know when it’s time for a “play” break.

This is Dizzy (big one) and Bandit (small one), coworkers to Bria Jones (customer support).

This is Dizzy (big one) and Bandit (small one), coworkers to Bria Jones (QA).

Jennifer Steinker's (customer support) Milo and Kona at the Newport Beach dog beach for a quick workout!

Jennifer Steinker’s (customer support) Milo and Kona at the Newport Beach dog beach for a quick workout!

Darcy O'Connor's (sales) two bearded fur babies, Ballad (left) and Sammie, in Westminster, CO. They are both rescues and love the snow, hiking, going to the dog park and cuddling.

Darcy O’Connor’s (sales) two bearded fur babies, Ballad (left) and Sammie, in Westminster, CO. They are both rescues and love the snow, hiking, going to the dog park and cuddling.

Kate Farrar's (designer) Goose is a 10-year-old Wheaten Terrier who lives in Denver, CO. She loves peanut butter, afternoon naps, playing in the snow, car rides with the windows down and stealing things off the kitchen counter.

Kate Farrar’s (designer) Goose is a 10-year-old Wheaten Terrier who lives in Denver, CO. She loves peanut butter, afternoon naps, playing in the snow, car rides with the windows down and stealing things off the kitchen counter.

Nathan Rumsey's (designer) Foxy. Definition: Foxy (fok-see); noun 1. Sly as a fox 2. A sexy beast 3. True companion

Nathan Rumsey’s (designer) Foxy.
Foxy (fok-see); noun
1. Sly as a fox
2. A sexy beast
3. True companion

April Eastburn's (customer support) Oakley (in red bed) and Foster are Mini Aussies that are way too smart for their own good but do an excellent job of keeping April's feet warm or entertaining her with their snoring and dream chasing during the day.

April Eastburn’s (customer support) Oakley (in red bed) and Foster are Mini Aussies that are way too smart for their own good but do an excellent job of keeping April’s feet warm or entertaining her with their snoring and dream chasing during the day.

Molly, Toby and Chrissy love to hang together at almost all times. They are definitely three peas in a pod! They can often be found all under owner Jenn Southan’s (customer experience director) desk during the work day, making sure that the Customer Experience remains something to howl about.

Molly, Toby and Chrissy love to hang together at almost all times. They are definitely three peas in a pod! They can often be found all under owner Jenn Southan’s (customer experience director) desk during the work day, making sure that the Customer Experience remains something to howl about.

This is Kyle Ries's (project manager) Aspen - she has a lot of bark.

This is Kyle Ries’s (project manager) Aspen – she has a lot of bark.

Laura Seredinski's (manager of people) Bones, rocking some TeamSnap gear!

Laura Seredinski’s (manager of people) Bones, rocking some TeamSnap gear!

Terri Schmier's (VP of product) Baja is a Boxer mix mutt with a cleft lip (no, she's not snarling at you, that's her trademark Baja smile!). We adopted her after getting to know her through our daughter's volunteering at our local humane society. As you can see in this pic, she prefers the cat bed to her more spacious dog lounger.

Terri Schmier’s (VP of product) Baja is a Boxer mix mutt with a cleft lip (no, she’s not snarling at you, that’s her trademark Baja smile!). We adopted her after getting to know her through our daughter’s volunteering at our local humane society. As you can see in this pic, she prefers the cat bed to her more spacious dog lounger.

Here is Bella sweet Peek a Poo to Kim Robbins (customer support). She is 3 years old and loves attention. She thinks she is a person and has to go everywhere with us and even loves a good cup of coffee.

Here is Bella sweet Peek a Poo to Kim Robbins (customer support). She is 3 years old and loves attention. She thinks she is a person and has to go everywhere with us and even loves a good cup of coffee.

Barney is best friend to Stephanie Gonzalez (director of marketing communications). He wandered into her life as a stray and enjoys treats, walks and attempting to play with his kitty sisters.

Barney is best friend to Stephanie Gonzalez (director of marketing communications). He wandered into her life as a stray and enjoys treats, walks and attempting to play with his kitty sisters.

Millie (husky) and Luna (rescue hound mix - AKA Lunatic) are the furry loves of Jennie Neusch (QA manager). That face is what keeps Luna out of trouble.

Millie (husky) and Luna (rescue hound mix – AKA Lunatic) are the furry loves of Jennie Neusch (QA manager). That face is what keeps Luna out of trouble.

Sammy, a Portuguese Water Dog, but really the Ewok Dylan Frusciano (VP of sales) always wanted as a kid

Sammy, a Portuguese Water Dog, but really the Ewok Dylan Frusciano (VP of sales) always wanted as a kid



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