A Tenth Anniversary Thank You From TeamSnap’s Co-Founders

TeamSnap prototype

Ten years ago this month, we launched TeamSnap with a tiny team and a giant dream. We knew how our friends, family, coaches (and ourselves) spent hours organizing and wrangling sports, and we believed there had to be a better way. We hoped the world was ready to move on from paper schedules and last-minute phone trees to an easy, online solution.

A decade later, the answer has been a resounding YES! We’ve grown from five employees and a few early-adopting fans, to over 150 TeamSnappers supporting more than 20 million customers worldwide. What started out as a small web app for managing team sports has grown into a robust platform powering teams, groups, clubs, leagues, tournaments, associations and governing bodies. More players, parents, coaches and administrators use TeamSnap every day than any other solution.

Along the way, we’ve been privileged to meet the most amazing people. Community is the foundation of being human, and sports are a universal way that all cultures create strong personal bonds and healthy people. Our customers truly have a love for the game, for their families, and for kids. Making it easier for everyone to play and connect is the mission that drives us every day.

But we’re not even close to satisfied.

Over the next decade, we’ll be bringing TeamSnap to new markets and broadening our platform to serve more people. Running a team, a tournament, or a sports organization is now much easier thanks to TeamSnap, but we know from talking to customers that there are still challenges that nobody is solving well. We won’t rest until we’ve done everything we can for the coaches, the team managers, the registrars, the treasurers, the schedulers and the parents–everyone who gives up hours to make their communities better.

We’re also going to double down on open standards and interconnectivity. Sports management has become fragmented by too many companies creating walled gardens to desperately hang onto market share. Holding data hostage and locking in customers hurts everyone and stifles innovation. We have always been proudly open and fiercely committed to building bridges instead of moats. TeamSnap will continue to create an open platform that benefits customers, partners, and yes, even competitors. We believe that openness creates opportunities for everyone.

There is much more to come from TeamSnap, but on this ten-year anniversary we wanted to pause for a moment to acknowledge everyone who has supported and believed in us along the way–our customers, partners, investors and fans. From everyone here at TeamSnap, our greatest thanks for being a part of this journey. We can’t wait to show you what’s next.

Many thanks,

Andrew & Dave

Co-Founders Andrew Berkowitz and Dave DuPont


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