Take a Look at What’s New on Android
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It’s been an awesome October for our mobile users, as we’ve been hard at work adding features and fixing bugs for our growing legion of customers who use Android devices. If you have Auto Update set on your device, you should already be using the latest version of TeamSnap for Android right now (version 2.0.18). If you don’t have updates turned on, get thee to your device and download the latest.
We’re very excited about this new release, and can’t wait to show you what’s coming up on all our mobile products. As always, thanks for your support, your ideas and your help in spreading the word.
And now, the (very long) list of the latest updates on Android:
- Specify uniform details for games
- Initiate email from availability view
- Optional ‘Notify Team’ when updating games/events
- Show and set availability from upcoming Schedule
- Initiate SMS from player info view
- Create Photo & File folders
- Item count for folders
- UI changes for create SMS/email/post views
- Show team photo on team overview (if exists)
- Show canceled games/events on team overview
- Show leagues on app dashboard
- Logout confirmation
- Removed ‘Short Label’ requirement on Create Event
- Added Date/Time to posts, emails and SMS messages
- Added To/Subject separators to email & sms detail layout
- Display birthdate on the player info page
- Create/Edit birthdate for a member on the roster
- Added the ability for paid teams to view files
- Added the ability to delete phone numbers from a roster member or contact
- Added the ability to delete a contact
- Added the ability to view and edit custom fields data for a roster member
- Set the time of a game/event as TBD
- Set the home/away option of a game/event to unknown
- Scroll the login page so that all buttons are available on BB.
- Removed last name requirement when creating/updating a roster member
- Added the ability to include notes when setting availability for a roster member
- Added the ability to insert individual events to local calendar
- Removed the ‘web link’ field requirement from the enter results page
- Included gender counts for co-ed team availability.
- Tracking by points respects team settings
- Alert the user if they haven’t selected any recipients when creating an email
- Fixed multi-line text view being cut-off on 3.7″ screens
- Fixed field labels from being cutoff on Contact views.
- Added tab navigation to team availability view.
- Availability UI tweaks.
- Fixed duplicate photo upload.
- Delete Contact crash
- Increased padding between to/subject lines when viewing emails/sms
- Defaulted last name to blank when null is returned from the API call
- Fixed spacing issue on roster view for custom menu fields
- Changed wording from women to woman & men to man when player count for the gender is 1
- Decoupled the roster photo update call from the full roster update, so that the photo will get updated even if the user doesn’t tap the update player button
- Enter password 2x on sign up
- Enhanced login failure messages
- Performance enhancements galore
- Many bug fixes
National data actively tracking the safe return of youth sports activities
See the map