How To Plan Ahead For Soccer Fall Registrations
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TeamSnap for Clubs & Leagues supports soccer organizations of all sizes, and is designed to support your expansion and growth. Registration directly impacts a soccer club or league’s success. Having a smooth and organized registration plan can either make for a great year ahead or lead to constant problems and setbacks. TeamSnap for Clubs & Leagues directly provides an all-in-one solution for registration. Toss out the old spreadsheets, notebooks filled with names and emails, and let TeamSnap streamline the process.
Fall registrations may be on the top of mind if you are managing or on the admin staff for a soccer club or league. In order to best prepare for the upcoming season, TeamSnap has put together a checklist to make sure all your ducks are in a row to have a great season ahead.
Start early
Fall registration planning should be on your mind a full year in advance. While I know that might sound a bit unmanageable, TeamSnap can help you get started and plan ahead. Fall season is typically a big time of year for soccer programs and leagues across North America. Use the spring season to take care of tryouts, coaching assignments, and registration. Do not wait until the end of the summer to open registration for the fall. By that point, it’s too late.
Get ahead of other programs
As soccer continues to be one of the most popular youth sports across North America, it’s likely that there are other competing clubs and leagues in close proximity. Have a competitive mindset and beat the wave of last-minute registrations. By providing a plan, a platform, and a communication strategy, parents and players will be drawn to your organization for its proactivity and being way ahead-of-the-curve.
Start with TeamSnap’s online form builder
With TeamSnap for Clubs & Leagues you have everything you need to open registration at your earliest convenience. You even have the capability to use your own language and craft an online form using our platform. Don’t worry about outsourcing tasks to various organizations or building forms from scratch, TeamSnap allows you to build everything through the app. All you have to do is decide who on your staff will lead the way with building the online form.
Assign tasks
One of the best ways to get ahead, is to assign administration tasks early. Lucky for you, TeamSnap for Clubs & Leagues takes care of the work you just have to provide the team. One you start assigning people to various tasks to get registration ready for the fall, one of the most important tasks is figuring out what kind of information you want to collect for your registration form.
Think about these questions and build an outline: What information do you need to collect? What is your fee structure for the season? How do you want to structure this online?
When you begin building your registration forms, don’t forget to properly test before going live. Use the months ahead of the fall to test, test, and test. Recruit other team members to be part of the testing. Once you’ve tested the forms, go live in the spring to allow for ample time for people to register and tryout.
Promote. Market. Spread the word
To make sure that the fall registration creates a splash, you are going to need to build a marketing plan that informs people about the registration open dates, deadlines, and season dates. Use social media, emails, newsletters, and word of mouth to spread the word. TeamSnap can help you activate and share your online registration form by opening your registration dates and times either in advance or the day of, it’s up to you!
We hope some of these suggestions help you prepare for an amazing fall soccer season. Happy registration!
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