7 Things to Consider when Choosing the Best Sports Camp for Your Child

If your child loves playing sports, there’s no better way to help them develop and improve their skills than by enrolling them in a summer sports camp. Summer sports camps are a great way for kids of all ages to have fun, make new friends, and stay active during the summer. But how do you choose a camp that’s ideal for your child? We have come up with seven questions to consider when deciding on the best summer sports camp for your child. 

What is the cost of the camp?

The cost for summer camps will be individual to each family’s situation, both financially and logistically. Not only is there a monetary cost of the camp, but the time spent transporting and coordinating for camp carries a value, as well. Consider how the schedule and distance of the camp fit into your family’s schedule. It boils down to what you can afford, transportation logistics, and how well the camp schedule fits into your family’s summer routine. 

What is the schedule of the camp, half or full day?

Cost and transportation aside, age has a lot to do with this decision.  A typical camp day is packed full of athletic activities, games, and rest periods. Your child will have more fun when they have the physical, social, and emotional stamina to participate fully for the time allotted.  If this is your child’s first year of camp, you may want to play it safe with a half day option to start with. That way, you’re less likely to get a call halfway through the first day that your child is ready to come home.  If your child is older or a veteran camper, then starting with the full day option makes more sense.  

Which camp do you choose if your child plays more than one sport?

If all the camp options are equal, availability, cost and logistics — the best person to make the choice about which camp to attend is your child. As a caring parent, it’s natural to have an opinion about which sport you think your child might benefit most from more instruction. When it comes down to it, your child will have the most success at the camp that they most want to be at. Let them pick the one they are most excited about. 

What are others saying about the camp?

There’s no better indicator of a great sports camp than hearing about the experience from past campers.  Talk to the people in your circle about what camps they’re sending their kids to. There’s no one you trust more than your friends, and it can be reassuring to know someone personally who had a positive experience at your chosen camp. 

Camp websites and brochures often include testimonials from past attendees. You can learn firsthand what a specific camp meant to a past summer athlete. These stories should give you a great idea of what your child will take away at the end of the program.

Who are the coaches?

Your child will learn important lessons and develop solid sports techniques at camp. So it’s important to consider who will be teaching them these new skills. Coaches play a big role in determining what kids will gain from camp. Make sure the camps you pick offer coaches that are qualified, experienced, and above all, passionate.

What is the camper to staff ratio?

Aside from ensuring the camp you choose is run by the right people, you might also consider whether they’re run by enough people. Camper-to-staff ratios are crucial to figuring out how beneficial a camp will be to your child. If there are too many campers for staff to manage your child won’t get as much out of the camp as they would with more individualized attention. If your child needs additional instruction, they are more likely to receive it with a low camper-to-staff ratio. 

How safe is the camp?

Safety can never be compromised. At a base level, find out if the camp you’re checking out does background checks on all coaches and staff. In 2022, you’ll need to find out the COVID-19 precautions that are in place. Luckily, many of the camp sports take place outdoors, which limits COVID-19 contagion rates.

Do you or someone you know need help managing their sports team or club? Sign up for a free 21-day trial today. Or check out our club and league solution, TeamSnap for Clubs and Leagues if your team is part of a larger sports organization.

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