5 Tips to Make Your Website SEO Friendly
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Creating your own website is an empowering experience and often provides increased opportunities for community connection and audience engagement. When you partner with TeamSnap to manage your sports league, you can enjoy a wealth of resources at your fingertips. Our customized software and hands-on approach allow you to succeed at every aspect of managing a youth sports league, even creating your own website. If you are finding yourself overwhelmed at the idea of building and maintaining an effective virtual platform for your organization, rest assured that we are here to support you. Here are five ways you can quickly optimize your website in order to maximize your digital impact.
1. Keep Your Content Direct
Mismanaged websites can easily become arduous and boring, leading to a greater bounce rate and poor brand representation. As you create your sitemap, take the time to ensure that each page has a specific purpose. Work to avoid repetitive copy by customizing each piece of content according to the theme of that page.
2. Use the Right Keywords
If you want to improve your search rankings as a new establishment, take the time to harness the appropriate keywords. As a small organization, focusing on mainstream, highly competitive keywords lead to getting lost in the shuffle. Avoid the domination of high-trafficked sites by focusing on less competitive keywords that still rank high in searches.
3. Check the Mobile Version of your Site
Let’s face it, we do a lot of our business via smartphones these days. As you market your sports league, you can certainly count on your customers to be engaging with your brand on their mobile devices. As you create the ideal desktop version of your website, do not neglect curating an easily navigable mobile version as well. WordPress allows ample opportunity to preview your smartphone-savvy team website before launching. Verify that all of the links work and that your copy is the appropriate size for mobile.
4. Moderate Site Speed
Slow websites are often the downfall of SEO. You may not even realize it until you check your traffic report, but low-quality hosting services, oversized images, and too many plug-ins can negatively impact your site. Fortunately, there are tools out there to help. Use Google’s PageSpeed analytics to learn more about the current operating speed of your website. The software ranks your pages on a scale of 0-100, with a score of 85 or above being ideal. This indicates that your website is easy to navigate and optimized for a user-friendly experience.
5. Link Internally!
Internal links are the simplest SEO fix, and often the most neglected. Verifying that your links are live and relevant helps give Google a better idea of your website structure. This in turn allows the search engine to better promote your content to the right audience. If you have a blog or forum on your sports league site, consider inserting internal links across the platform. Use descriptive and relatable anchor text to help your internal links land.
Do you or someone you know need help managing their sports team or club? Sign up for a free 21-day trial today. Or check out our club and league solution, TeamSnap for Clubs and Leagues if your team is part of a larger sports organization.
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