Stay Organized During the Offseason & Prep for Your Upcoming Season
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Ah, the offseason. The perfect time for some much-needed rest and relaxation from your busy coaching schedule. Time to kick back, relax, and binge-watch your favorite TV shows.
For some of us, most of this year has been an off-season, but it’s never too late to get ahead of some of your administrative items or get your TeamSnap account ready for your team or sports organization’s return to play.
Share Off-season Team Workouts
Want your players to stay fresh during the offseason? Send them drills to work on! It doesn’t need to be an American Ninja Warrior workout; just send them enough to keep them in shape and off the couch.
The easiest way to share drills is through TeamSnap. Send links for skills and drills videos using the Messages tab, or post custom workout plans in the Media tab. This way, your team won’t be huffing and puffing at your first practice.
Out of at-home workout or sports skills inspiration? New at-home skill and exercise content is always one-click away. Sites like YouTube offer plenty of free skill work for all sports, while other services, like The Skills, offer a subscription-based model for at-home skill work specific to your sport, taught by world-class athletes in the industry. Our partners at HomeCourt also offer interactive, sport-specific training tools for basketball and soccer in their FREE iOs app.
Confirm or Update Contact Info
Picture this: You need to make a simple call to a player’s mom or dad. Yet when you dial the number listed, no one picks up. Turns out, that player’s parents have a new phone number and they never bothered to let you know!
To avoid this scenario, have team parents log into TeamSnap during the offseason and update their contact info on the Roster tab. This way, you can knock out problems before they ever happen. Future you will thank current you later.
Schedule an Offseason Event
Whether you want to welcome new players or help reunite old teammates, the offseason is the perfect time to do it. For some athletes, it may have been quite a while since they’ve seen their teammates, and scheduling a safely-distanced outdoor event or virtual pizza party through Zoom, is an easy way to help them reconnect with their friends and teammates.
Whatever you choose, schedule your new event in the Schedule tab and Sports organization admins can schedule a multi-team event on their sports organization dashboard within that Schedule tab. You can even add the Zoom meeting room details in the location field.
To enact these tips, log into your TeamSnap account today! Or, if you’re new to TeamSnap, get started with our free 21-day trial!
Do Some Digital Housekeeping
The off-season is the perfect time to do some data cleanup in your TeamSnap account, and get prepared for your next season. Need to remove last year’s schedule? Have old contacts in the account who are no longer with your organization? Archiving your season can help with all of that! Sports organization and team admins can archive their old seasons in preparation for their upcoming ones. We recommend reviewing our season archiving guide as well as our best practices for archiving guide before you get started cleaning up your account.
Review Your TeamSnap Account & Dashboards
We recognize it may have been a few months since you’ve last signed into TeamSnap, but don’t worry, even though our developers have been hard at work releasing new products like Health Check, not much has changed on our dashboards. Even so, a quick refresher on managing your TeamSnap team or clubs and leagues dashboard can go a long way. Coaches and managers can review their dashboards with our Team Admin Welcome Guides, while parents and players can walk through their dashboards and functionality with the Members & Contacts Welcome Guide.
Sports organization administrators have their own welcome guide as well. Administrators can review their dashboards and get a high-level overview of their account with the Welcome Guide for Sports Organization Admins. Looking for a more comprehensive review of the club and league platform? Try the TeamSnap for Clubs & Leagues On-Demand Webinar, which walks through each section of your club and league account.
Whether you’re heading into the off-season or getting ready for a modified winter/spring season, these tips should help you stay organized and get a head start on your return to sport.
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