Navigating the Unexpected With TeamSnap
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The growing impact of COVID-19 has understandably caught organizations, individuals and anyone involved in sports by surprise. As leaders of sports organizations and teams are rushing to respond, TeamSnap is here to help. We have features, partnerships, and a remote workforce available to alleviate some of the uncertainties facing administrators, coaches, managers, parents and players.
To better assist you, we created a hub that includes resources and tips to help you lead your sports organization, team or group during this uncertain time. Keep checking back as new content becomes available. Visit the hub now.
Looking to message your entire club, league or sports organization?
For communication coming from club and league administrators to the entire organization, use the TeamSnap for Clubs & Leagues email feature. Visit the Messages tab to email specific divisions or managers or head to the Registration tab to message new/in-progress registrants.
Looking to message your team?
Critical communication within a team starts with the TeamSnap mobile app. Members without the app installed may miss important updates, especially last-minute announcements that are not sent via TeamSnap email. Download the app for iOS or Android and spread the word to your team.
Need to cancel or postpone a game or event?
Make org-wide scheduler updates and send notifications by visiting the Schedule tab in your TeamSnap for Clubs & Leagues account. Org events created outside the scheduler can be updated by following these directions.
For individual teams–coaches and managers should always select “notify the team” when you make an event or game update. This will send a push notification. Your team must have the latest app installed and have notifications enabled. Review more details about notifications. Team email and Team Chat are other ways to make sure everyone is in the loop.
How to keep everyone in your family updated
Save time and make sure your extended family, sitter, and other fans receive the same messages and notifications as you. Add roster contacts and family members to your team. (Make sure they have the mobile app too.)
Wondering if you should sign up for the upcoming season?
We don’t have a crystal ball to predict the future but we do have a partnership with RegSaver to protect your registration fees. The AIG/RegSaver policy, provided by Next Wave Insurance Services LLC* provides affordable registration insurance for unforeseen circumstances, including coverage that can apply for injury and illness.
Organizations that use TeamSnap for Clubs & Leagues can enable RegSaver during the registration process and members can seamlessly purchase the insurance while it’s top of mind. Parents and players who have not yet registered can learn more about RegSaver here.
How to keep fans in the loop when they can’t attend the game
If your team is prohibiting spectators from attending games, make sure your fans know about TeamSnap Live! It only takes one team volunteer to update TeamSnap Live! during the game with the latest scores, game clock, photos, video highlights and play-by-play recaps. Plus, TeamSnap Live! is now free and available on all TeamSnap plans. Get started with TeamSnap Live!
How to keep your team connected when your games and practices are canceled
In addition to Team Chat being useful for last-minute messages, it’s also a great way to stay in touch with your team. If you don’t want to chat with every single roster member and contact, try our group messaging feature and create a group for the players and coaches. Share workouts, post photos, and exchange healthy banter to keep the team motivated.
Need additional help? We’re here for you.
TeamSnap has always been a remote-first company. Nearly 90% of our team works from home every day across the USA–34 states to be exact. And to help slow the spread of COVID-19, we’re closing our headquarters for the immediate future, asking the few folks who ordinarily work there to work from home as well. It’s business as usual at TeamSnap and you can count on us to provide the support you need, whether it’s from our customer experience team, your sales representative, or our product and engineering teams. Visit our Help Center or reach out directly if you need support.
*Coverage offered by Next Wave Insurance Services, LLC, CA License OF00755
National data actively tracking the safe return of youth sports activities
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