TeamSnap Named to Entrepreneur’s ‘Top Company Culture’ List

Our Senior Designer took a month off to hike Peru this summer to recharge. Our Chief Creative Officer does his job from around the world, so far this year working from the U.S., Colombia, Spain and Amsterdam. And almost 10 percent of our workforce chooses to work while they see the country, living in RVs. When you’re trusted to do your job on your own terms, these are the kinds of things that are possible.

We appreciate the culture our employees have fostered by being their adventurous, hard-working and committed selves, and so do others, apparently. TeamSnap is ranked 11 on Entrepreneur’s Top Company Cultures list, a comprehensive ranking of U.S.-based businesses exhibiting high-performance cultures created in partnership with culture management software and service provider CultureIQ. We’re honored to be among these 25 companies in our category that exhibit a great work culture.

So what’s the culture like here? TeamSnap believes your quality of life should be enhanced by your job, not hindered by it. When the day isn’t beholden to a physical address and traditional 9-5 mentality, work gets done when employees feel most productive, and the quality of that work shines. Check out some articles about our company culture to find out more.

Check out more of what TeamSnap’s culture is all about in the video below. Sound good? We’re hiring!

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