Ken McDonald is a TeamSnapper

We’ve drafted another top pick onto the TeamSnap roster, bringing in Boulder’s own Ken McDonald to help spread the word to coaches and managers who are still wrangling their teams the old fashioned way.  Ken will be using a variety of tools — from paid ads to partnerships to emails, blogs, and social networking — to let the world know about the great work that TeamSnap is doing.

Ken has been working in the technology industry for over 20 years.  He was most recently VP of Marketing and Customer Success at LifePics, an online photo service that he helped grow from a small company to one with millions of consumers.  Prior to LifePics, Ken worked at small Internet start-ups to large tech companies like Oracle, Intel and Dun and Bradstreet Software and even spent three years working in venture capital.  While most of his experience is in marketing, he has held almost every position imaginable in a technology startup including CFO and VP of Engineering. Ken has a MBA from Stanford and a BA in Math and Economics from Dartmouth.

Growing up just outside of Boston, Ken was an avid athlete, eager to try anything that resembled a sport.  At one point in high school he competed on 4 teams in 3 seasons, including 3 teams that went to the state championships.  These days Ken considers himself a member of the MAMAL group (middle age men in lycra) as he is most passionate about triathlons, particularly off-road triathlons.  He has competed over 50 races including one Ironman distance race (2.4 mile swim, 112 mile bike, & 26.2 mile run).  Ken is no stranger to the challenges of coaching as he has coached his sons’ basketball teams for a number of seasons.

Ken lives in Boulder with his wife and two boys.  When he is not training for a triathlon or coaching, Ken can be found at the C.U. basketball games or baking. We’re excited to welcome Ken onto the team and looking forward to him helping more coaches, players and managers get organized by using TeamSnap.

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