Hey TeamSnap … Where’s the Android App ?!?

AndroidI love the iPhone app.  Any plans to spread the love to the Android as well? Would it help if I begged?
— Gary V

I love everything about the program, except there is no Android App. Is there anything users can do to try to expedite this? Only one of my parents use the iPhone and 8 use Android system.
— James L

Android, Android, Android!!!!!!
— Andy Y

To the hundreds of Android customers who have emailed us, and the thousands more who are waiting patiently, we wanted to give you an update on where we’re going with mobile support for Android.

First of all, be assured that we hear you, loud and clear! You have spoken in great numbers, and we are absolutely committed to TeamSnap for Android. Our support team has made it clear that we had better build an Android app as soon as possible or they are going to come stand outside our cubicles and stare at us sternly until we get it done.

Can we promise a specific release date? Not quite yet. But we wanted to let you know that it’s coming as soon as we can get it to you. We want our Android users to have the same great mobile TeamSnap experience that our customers already enjoy on iPhone.

Thanks for your emails, your support and most of all your patience. Now we’re going to get back to work while the support staff stares at us.

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