Top 5 Coaching Tips For Hockey Coaches

Coaching on ice, but also in general is no easy task. That’s why TeamSnap has researched and developed some top tips for hockey coaches. For all of the hockey coaches out there, either at the beginning of your coaching career or well experienced in it, we hope a few of these tips can help you on the rink. For additional coaching resources, be sure to check out Coaches’ Corner!

Here are our top 5 coaching tips for hockey coaches.

Tip #1: Be Prepared. Preparation has to be a thought before the season even begins. Set the time to plan out your coaching goals, but also the team goals. Figure out the flow of your practices as well as strategy for games. Once the big plan is all sketched out, be sure to follow the guidelines every practice that you set to ensure you have the right equipment and practice plan in place. Players respond well to a nicely organized session.

Tip #2: Show Good Work Habits/Be A Role Model. Players will likely be watching your every move as a coach, so make sure you put effort into how you show up every single day. If you are prepared and confident, it’ll be contagious. Your job is to make practice as smooth as possible and motivate the players to show their best effort, by doing your part they will be held to standard to do theirs.

Tip #3: Organization.When players see an organized rink, there is often a feeling of respect to start off the practice. Players respond well to practices and games that are well thought out, visually organized, and also easy enough to digest. As a hockey coach, consider prioritizing organization, both on the backend of your coaching duties, but also in how you run your session. This organization piece also carries on off of the rink. Figuring out the best communication style is also part of the communication piece.

Tip #4: Communication. A hockey coach at any level, needs to have communication skills that go beyond just the giving of information. Communication also means responding to players and parents in an active listening role. Communication, both verbal and nonverbal is a vital skill as a coach. Work on establishing your own unique communication style and consider open communication as a way to set the foundation for your team. If you are interested in how to better improve communication within your team, check out this article.

Tip #5: Teach, But Know When To Challenge. Good coaching is reading the room and knowing when to ramp things up and when to back off. Coaching is like teaching in the way the coach/teacher is trying to help the players better understand and advance their skillset in the sport/subject. As a hockey coach, you want to make sure you are prioritizing development and teaching, but once in awhile holding your team and players to a higher standard. Once they get the grasp of a concept, challenge them to apply it on their own.

We hope these five tips were helpful in your hockey coaching career! If you are interested in more hockey related content, check out our dedicated hockey page!

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