Assignments: Stay on Top of Roles, Tasks, and Sign-ups

In order for any operation to run smoothly, people must know what they are doing. Sounds simple enough, right? Unfortunately, there are too many ways to communicate assignments, roles, and volunteer sign-ups out there, that people are often left confused as to what they are actually supposed to be doing. TeamSnap took the importance of clear assignments into account and designed an assignment feature that would help team organizers stay on top of roles, clearly assign tasks, and share sign-ups.

So, how does the assignment feature work and how will it make your life easier?

Whether you are a player, coach, parent, or volunteer, this feature was created to make snack duty a little easier, field preparation smoother, and volunteer sign-up more accessible. Within the feature you can create to-do lists and even sections for carpool assignments.  Anything you can think of; water, oranges, a First-Aid kit, just add it to the list and make sure someone knows that’s their duty.

Through the Assignment Feature you can:

  • Manage Volunteers
  • Track Tasks
  • Manage and Edit Assignments
  • Create To-Do Lists
  • Allow Open Slot Sign-Ups

Great app. The integrated schedule with assignments and team chat is extremely helpful.”– Robert R.

Do you want to get started with organizing your team ahead of fall sports? Lean into the assignments feature and get everyone in formation before the start of a new season.

National data actively tracking the safe return of youth sports activities

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