Why Balancing Sport and Leisure Is Important for Young Athletes in the Summer

What is a typical day in the life of a young athlete during the summer? While it obviously varies person to person and family to family, there are some constants across the country.

For one, school is out. Summer means less time during the day attending classes and fewer hours in the evening working on homework and class projects. Many sports teams, especially organized clubs and leagues, take a hiatus during the summer months and kick things off again in conjunction with the school year. So, this may also mean kids are more likely to play sports on their own, attend camps, and or take extra time for proper rest and recovery. Summer is this extended period of time that can be great to improve athletically while also relaxing and soaking up the sun.

Here are 4 examples of ways you can train over the summer for your sport while also balancing it out with rest and recovery fun.

Take your workout… to somewhere cool!

If you live near a body of water, start your run or workout in one place and end up somewhere that you can cool off at. This could mean running to the beach and ending your run with a dive into the ocean. This could also mean running to the local town pool and taking a dip. If you don’t have any lakes, oceans, or pool nearby, workout and then take the hose and cool off! If you end up traveling over the summer, be sure to check out TeamSnap Travel; here to help you save money on your team travel! As the leader in online group booking technology, we guarantee to have the best group hotel rates or we will pay for your hotel room.

Upgrade your water/hydration situation

As an athlete you know how important staying hydrated is. During the summer, it still is important. Make sure you are drinking lots of water, but also have some fun this summer by mixing your hydration station up with some fresh squeezed lemonade, watermelon juice, or a fruit packed smoothie! Sports Hydration: How Do You Hydrate Correctly?

Legs up!

After a long day of workouts and training, nothing feels better than laying down and resting your legs. At the end of the day, prop your legs up and sit in the backyard with loved ones. Maybe you even live near a beach and can enjoy the ocean views and sand while resting. For as hard as you work, make sure to take the time to relax and be exactly where you feet are!

Make a wish list

Making a wish list of all of the things you want to see and or do this summer. This doesn’t have to do with sports, but similar to athletics it is goal setting in a sense. Use the summer to experience what you may not have the chance to during the school year.

Here’s to hoping that this summer is a great mix of sports, but also relaxation and memories both on and off the field.

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