Josh Caldwell is a TeamSnapper

josh_caldwellTeamSnap has always been known for our delight-inducing look and feel, so we’re very excited to welcome Josh Caldwell as our new Director of Design. Josh will be leading our crack user experience design team in keeping the TeamSnap interface fun, modern and easy to use. Formerly at LifePics, Josh has a long list of qualifications, not the least of which is having played Segway polo with Steve Wozniak.

Josh grew up on a Navajo reservation in Arizona, but has lived in Colorado for many years. He likes to run, fish with flies, renovate vintage trailers, urban farm (in his square foot garden), build things out of wood and shoot documentaries. He also holds the unofficial record for the longest Segway journey ever, traveling over 4,000 miles from Seattle to Boston in 100 days.

When not shining TeamSnap to a glossy hue, you can find him making documentary films such as 10 MPH and 10 Yards. Yes, we noticed the pattern.

Welcome to TeamSnap, Josh!

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