What Ever Happened to TeamLink?

If you’re one of our early club, league and association customers — or just plain observant — you may have noticed that we’re no longer using “TeamLink” to describe our solution for multi-team organizations.

Where did TeamLink go? In a nutshell, we’ve outgrown the name.

Our earliest product for multi-team organizations offered a simple method of linking teams together for basic management and communication. At the time, we didn’t put a lot of thought into the “TeamLink” name. It was merely a descriptive placeholder.

(Under this naming method, Amazon would have been called BookOrderWebsite and Facebook would have been called TimelineGripe.)

Two years later, TeamSnap now offers an entire suite of features for clubs and leagues, including communication, roster management, team scheduling, registration and public web sites. We’re doing much more than just linking teams.

TeamSnap’s team capabilities aren’t bolted on top of a club site framework or back-end league administration software. They aren’t an afterthought, but the base for everything else. Sure, we provide great organizational tools for those who run clubs and leagues, but those tools are directly integrated with our best-of-class team features that delight players, parents, coaches and team managers.

Our new league and club capabilities retain TeamSnap’s trademark usability and clean design, so club and league administrators can enjoy the same kind of user experience that makes TeamSnap so popular with teams.

Whether you’re managing one team, or administering an organization of 1,000 teams, there’s a single name that describes the best solution — TeamSnap.

Now ready for the big time.

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